A page from the Sun, published in New York City, December
10, 1883, is probably the first newspaper reference to the Baha'i Faith in the
United States. Note the column headed "The Bábs and Their Prophet" -
highlighted for ease of recognition. (The Baha'i World 1930-1932)
1967: First National Baha'i Convention of the Leeward, Windward and Virgin Islands
First National Baha'i Convention of the Leeward, Windward
and Virgin Islands, April 23-24, 1967, with Hand of the Cause Dr. Ugo Giachery
(Baha'i News, June 1967)
Approximate Number of Localities where Bahá'ís Resided as of 1950 -- in Leading Bahá'í Communities throughout the World
Germany and Austria:
---- Over forty localities.
British Isles: ----- Over fifty localities.
Australia and New Zealand: ----- Over sixty localities.
Dominion of Canada: ----- Over eighty localities.
India, Pakistan and Burma: ----- Over eighty localities.
Latin America: ----- Over one hundred localities.
Persia: ----- Over seven hundred localities.
United States of America: ----- Over eleven hundred
(The Bahá'í Faith, 1844-1950: Information Statistical and
Comparative, Compiled by Shoghi Effendi. Wilmette, IL Bahá'í Publishing
Committee, 1950)12/28/17
The Apostles of Baha'u'llah -- "Pillars of the Faith" -- identified by Shoghi Effendi
- 1. Mirza Musa: the only true brother of Baha’u’llah, surnamed “Kalim.”
- 2. Mirza Buzurg: youthful martyr, bearer of Baha’u’llah’s Tablet to Nasiri’d-Din Shah, surnamed “Badi.” [Wonderful]
- 3. Siyyid Hasan: one of the martyred brothers of Isfahan, surnamed “Sultanu’sh-Shuhada.” [King of the Martyrs]
- 4. Mulla Abu’l-Hasan: faithful steward of Baha’u’llah and ‘Abdu’l-Baha, surnamed “Amin.”
- 5. Mirza Abu’l-Fadl-i-Gulpaygani: Foremost and authoritative expounder of the Baha’i Revelation.
- 6. Mirza ‘Ali Muhammad: poet, teacher, and martyr of te Faith, surnamed “Varqa.”
- 7. Mirza Mahmud: an indomitable spirit and jealous defender of the Faith.
- 8. Mulla ‘Ali Akbar: a flame of zeal and devotion.
- 9. Mulla Muhammad: learned and steadfast exponent of the Baha’i Revelation, surnamed “Nabil-Akbar.”
- 10. Haji Mirza Muhammad Taqi: cousin of the Bab and chief builder of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar of Ishqabad, surnamed “Kabir-i-Afnan.”
- 11. Haji Mirza Muhammad Taqi: prominent teacher.
- 12. Mulla Muhammad: poet, historian, and teacher of the Faith, surnamed “Nabil-i-A’zam.”
- 13. Shaykh Kazim: a flame of the love of God, favored of Baha’u’llah, surnamed “Samandar.”
- 14. Muhammad Mustafa: brave and vigilant custodian and bearer of the remains of the Bab.
- 15. Mirza Husayn: distinguished calligraphist, and companion-in-exile of Baha’u’llah, surnamed “Mishkin-Qalam.”
- 16. Mirza Hasan: devoted teacher of the Cause, surnamed “Adib.”
- 17. Shaykh Muhammah ‘Ali: eloquent and learned champion of the Faith in Russian Turkistan
- 18. Zaynu’l-‘Abidin: noted scribe, chief figure among “the exiles of Mosul,” surnamed “Zaynu’l-Muqarrabin)
- 19. Mirza ‘Ali Muhammah: zealous advocate in the early days of the proclamation of the covenant of Baha’u’llah, surnamed “Shahid-ibn-i-Shahid.”
April 1965: First Local Assembly formed in Iceland
The historic, first local spiritual assembly was established
last Ridvan in the capital city of Reykjavik, Iceland, the first of three
assemblies required for the Nine Year Plan. The signatories of the original
document were: Asgeir Einarsson, Kirsten Bonnevie, Florence Grindlay, Jessie
Echevarria, Carl John Spencer, Charles Grindlay, Liesel Becker, Barbel Thinat
and Nicholas Echevarria. One of the earliest traveling teachers in Iceland was
Eskil Ljunberg and the first pioneer, Marguerite Allman, arrived in 1956,
during the Ten Year Crusade.
Mrs. Amelia Collins, late Hand of the Cause was the first to
visit Iceland, in L924. During these few hours spent in Reykjavik she was able
to make friends with an Icelandic lady with whom she corresponded about the
Faith for many years. This same lady was then able to open many doors for
Martha Root, the renowned traveling teacher, who came in July of 1935 to make
the Faith known in that land.
Bahá'u'lláh’s mother was so fascinated by Him
The mother of the Blessed Beauty [Bahá'u'lláh] was so
enthralled with Him that she could not contain her amazement at His behaviour.
'This child never cries,' she would say; 'He is so unlike other babies who cry
and scream and are forever restless while in the nursing stage . . .'
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha
(Quoted by Ishraq-Khavari in Risaliy-i-Ayyam-i-Tis’ih; in ‘Stories of
Baha’u’llah’, compiled by Ali-Akbar Furutan)
The first shipment of materials needed to erect the outer shell of the Báb's Sepulchre arrived in the port of Haifa -- over one hundred and fifty tons of cut, carved and polished marble and granite
The prospect was challenging. Only a very few ships would
venture into mined waters unsafe for normal navigation; moreover, space was
lacking, almost unavailable. We had to do much praying, because every avenue
seemed blocked. Shipping agents were seeking any possibility but without
immediate success. Only faith could have removed the difficulties….
A few days later another cablegram came, requesting the name
of the steamer. The next day a ship was found and a telegraphic reply was sent
to him [The Guardian], informing him that the first shipment would sail on the
S.S. Norte, due to arrive in Haifa on 23 November 1948 - a record of incredible
speed in accomplishing the work since the April day when Mr. Maxwell had signed
the first contract! Over one hundred and fifty tons of cut, carved and polished
marble and granite were shipped at this time, including the load of a second
ship, the S.S. Campidoglio, which sailed almost in the wake of the first One.
The Norte finally reached the port of Haifa on 28 November, with the
Campidoglio following a few days later, as a true co-partner and escort in such
a prodigious event.
November 1922: The sultanate was abolished
The sultanate was an institution of Islamic kingship, most
particularly the dynasty of Ottoman rulers, who combined secular power with the
religious leadership of the Sunni Muslim world by their claims to the
Caliphate. The sultanate was abolished by the new Turkish republic on 1
November 1922, and the caliphate in 1924. These twin institutions were regarded
by Shoghi Effendi as the 'arch-enemy' of the Baha'i Cause, (God Passes By, p.
407; and The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 173) and their collapse cited as an
instance of Divine judgment.
The Caliphate was an Islamic institution established after
the death of the Prophet Muhammad. The Caliph, the self-styled vicar of the
Prophet of Islam, came to be regarded also as the "Commander of the
Faithful," and the protector of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. He
became the leader of Sunni Muslims all over the world. By the 19th century, the
title rested with the Ottoman rulers (Sultans).
(Adapted from ‘A Concise
Encyclopedia of the Baha’i Faith’, by Peter Smith; ‘God Passes by’, by Shoghi
Effendi; and ‘The World Order of Baha'u'llah’, by Shoghi Effendi)
House of Worship in Chicago “marks the inception of the Kingdom of God on earth.”
“A most wonderful and thrilling motion will appear in the
world of existence,” are ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s own words, predicting the release of
spiritual forces that must accompany the completion of this most hallowed House
of Worship [Baha’i House of Worship in Chicago]. “From that point of light,”
He, further glorifying that edifice, has written, “the spirit of teaching ...
will permeate to all parts of the world.” And again: “Out of this
Mashriqu’l-Adhkár, without doubt, thousands of Mashriqu’l-Adhkárs will be
born.” “It marks the inception of the Kingdom of God on earth.”
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter dated April 11, 1949;
‘Citadel of Faith’)
There are fourteen Tablets of the Divine Plan
The Tablets of the Divine Plan are fourteen in number and
were revealed at two separate times by 'Abdu'l-Baha: eight of them in 1916, and
six in 1917.
- Hand of the Cause
Balyuzi (‘Abdu'l-Baha - The Centre of
the Covenant’)
circa 1936: Reconstructed House of Bahá’u’lláh's father in Takur, Persia
Exterior views of the reconstructed House of Bahá'u'lláh's
father in Takur, Mazindaran, Iran, circa 1936
(The Baha'i World 1936-1938)
‘Ali-Kuli Khan and Florence meet ‘Abdu'l-Bahá
He embraced me and kissed me on the cheeks. He also most
warmly welcomed my wife, and took Rahim [our one year old son] from my arms. He
then sat on the sofa holding Rahim on His lap, and while He gave the Baby His
rosary to play with, He lovingly inquired after our health, and asked if we had
had a good journey. Then looking at me, my wife and the Baby, He said to me
while smiling, "O Khan! This is the sign of blessing and increase; you
went to America one and returned three." These words we took to mean that
He blessed our conjugal family life with unity and harmony, and that He bespoke
for us Divine bounty and increase. He asked for the Baby's age and I answered
that he was one year and four days old. Turning to my wife He said in part,
while showing her great kindness and favor: "Welcome! Welcome! Marhaba!
Praise be to God, that as a result of the Revelation of Al-Abha, the East and
the West have embraced each other like unto two beloved ones. You are the first
American bride to be united to a Baha'i from Persia. Praise God, for this great
Before being seated, and while I had the Baby in my arms,
'Abdu'l-Baha looked at Rahim with His glorious face illuminated with joy, and
He said in part: "This is the fruit of the union between the East and the
West." Turning to my wife, He said: "I see that you love Rahim Khan
very much." Upon other occasions during our visit 'Abdu'l-Baha often said:
"As Rahim Khan is the first fruit of the union of the East and West,
whoever looks upon his face loves him."
- ‘Ali-Kuli Khan
(1906 Pilgrim Notes of Ali Kuli Khan)
Never have I seen anyone work as hard as Shoghi Effendi
Never have I seen anyone work as hard as Shoghi Effendi, and
it must be very trying to him with his universal creative energy, his world
horizon, his soaring ideals, to say nothing of the unfathomable depths of
knowledge and wisdom which flow like undulated waves through his sacred entity
at all times, it must be a cruel restraint that he has not a greater vehicle or
channel through which to pour all this power throughout the world...
- May
Maxwell (From a letter to Katherine
Baldwin, Honolulu. February 1939)
November 1925: The Passing of Hand of the Cause Dr. John Ebenezer Esslemont
He was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in 1874 and was
introduced to the Baha'i Faith in 1914. His major book, Baha'u'llah and the New
Era, the first nine chapters of which he wrote during the First World War, was
submitted to 'Abdu'l-Baha for approval. Dr. Esslemont visited 'Abdu'l-Baha in
the Holy Land during 1919 to 1920 and following the passing of the Master in
1921 returned to the Holy Land in 1925 to undertake work for Shoghi Effendi. He
died there in November 1925 and was posthumously named a Hand of the Cause. The
book, ‘Baha’u’llah and the New Era’ has been translated into many languages and
has become one of the most widely used of the introductory books to the Baha'i
(Adapted from 'A Basic Baha’i Dictionary')
November 1902: The cornerstone of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar (House of Worship) of Ishqabad was laid
“O people of the world! Build ye houses of worship
throughout the lands in the name of Him Who is the Lord of all religions. Make
them as perfect as is possible in the world of being, and adorn them with that
which befitteth them, not with images and effigies. Then, with radiance and
joy, celebrate therein the praise of your Lord, the Most Compassionate. Verily,
by His remembrance the eye is cheered and the heart is filled with light.”
(Baha’u’llah, the Kitab-i-Aqdas)
During the lifetime of Baha'u'llah, obeying this command was
impossible because the Middle Eastern Baha'is were persecuted. In order to
escape oppression, many Persian Baha'is fled north, to the lands that formed
part of the Russian Empire. Situated twenty-five miles from the border of Iran
was the town of 'Ishqabad, in the modern Turkmenistan. By the turn of the
century a large and prosperous Baha'i community had developed there, protected
by the tsarist government from persecution. In the autumn of 1902 the 'Ishqabad
Baha'is set out to build the first House of Worship in the Baha'i world.
On 28 November 1902 they laid the cornerstone of the
building. The 'Ishqabad Baha'is were in
regular contact with the Chicago House of spirituality and on 29 November wrote
a letter to them, mentioning the event. A second letter with more details
followed on 10 December:
Birth of "The mother teacher of the West"
Louisa Aurora (Lua) Moore (Getsinger) was born on 1 November
1871. This was the same day on which her father had been born and her parents
(Adapted from, The Flame’, by William Sears and Robert Quigley, and ‘A
Basic Baha’i Chronology’, by Glenn Cameron)
November 1921: Shoghi Effendi accidentally saw the cable containing the devastating news of the passing of the Master
Cyclometry London
His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Baha ascended Abha Kingdom. Inform
Greatest Holy Leaf
Upon reading the cable Shoghi Effendi collapsed. Major Tudor
Pole, in whose office Shoghi Effendi read the cable while he wasn’t there, upon
his return found him, in a “state of collapse, dazed and bewildered by this catastrophic
news.” He was taken to the home of Miss Grand, one of the London believers, and
put to bed there for a few days.
(Adapted from ‘The Guardian of the Baha’i
Faith’, by Ruhiyyih Rabbani’)
Read Ruhiyyih Khanum’s description of this very sad event …12/12/17
Signs in Heavens during the Appearance of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh
What were the signs in the heavens during the appearance of
the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh? The holy Scriptures of all faiths had spoken of
Twin-Revelations that would appear at the "time of the end." Now that
the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh had appeared, fulfilling these prophecies, what were
the signs in the heavens? Signs, not for one, but for two Messengers of God,
Who would appear almost simultaneously?
Some of us know the story of the great comet of 1843 which
foreshadowed the coming of the Báb. Sir James Jeans, late British astronomer
and mathematician, stated in his book Through Space and Time, "oddly
enough, many of the most conspicuous appearances of comets seem to have coincided
with, or perhaps just anticipated, important events in history." [Sir
James Jeans, ‘Through Space and Time’]
Mother of the Guardian announces his marriage
"Announce Assemblies celebration marriage beloved
Guardian stop Inestimable honor conferred upon handmaid of Baha’u’llah Ruhiyyih
Khanum Miss Mary Maxwell stop Union of East and West proclaimed by Baha'i Faith
cemented. (Signed) Ziaiyyih, mother of the Guardian." (Baha’i News, April
25 March 1937
Ruhiyyih Khanum explains in the Priceless Pearl (p. 151)
that her marriage with the Guardian took place on 25 March, 1937
Baha’u’llah’s Tablet presented to President Roosevelt
During 1936, the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is
of the United States and Canada arranged “to be delivered to President Roosevelt
a beautifully engrossed copy of Baha’u’llah’s Tablet to the Presidents and
Rulers of the American Republics, together with two Prayers revealed by
'Abdu'l-Baha for America.”
(Baha’i News, August 1936)12/9/17
Historic Rug
Some members of the famous Ahmadpur family had been in the
presence of the beloved Master when the Shrine of the Bab had almost been completed.
In their longing to have a share in that great and historic enterprise, they
asked the Master if they could make a special carpet for the floor and send it
to Haifa. He accepted their request and gave instructions as to what design
they should choose for the carpet. This photo was taken after its completion
and before its dispatch to the Holy Land. The people sitting in front are from
the family of Haji Ahmad, in whose silk factory the Bab's body had been kept
after being taken from the edge of the moat outside the city of Tabriz. This
rug is now placed in the Shrine of the Bab.
(Baha’i News, October 1964)
1964: Korea's First National Convention, April 22-25
Some of the 65 Baha'is who attended Korea's First National
Convention, April 22-25, 1964, in Taegu, Korea. Hand of the Cause, Dr.
Rahmat'llah Muhajir (holding the Greatest Name) also attended this historic
(Baha'i News July 1964)
2002: The emerging culture in the Baha’i world community -- identified by the Universal House of Justice
The culture now emerging is one in which groups of Bahá’u’lláh’s
followers explore together the truths in His Teachings, freely open their study
circles, devotional gatherings and children’s classes to their friends and
neighbours, and invest their efforts confidently in plans of action designed at
the level of the cluster, that makes growth a manageable goal… Where Bahá’í
communities are unable to free themselves from an orientation to Bahá’í life
that has long outlived whatever value it once possessed, the teaching work will
lack both the systematic character it requires, and the spirit that must
animate all effective service to the Cause. To mistakenly identify Bahá’í
community life with the mode of religious activity that characterizes the
general society—in which the believer is a member of a congregation, leadership
comes from an individual or individuals presumed to be qualified for the
purpose, and personal participation is fitted into a schedule dominated by
concerns of a very different nature—can only have the effect of marginalizing
the Faith and robbing the community of the spiritual vitality available to it.
- The Universal House of Justice (From a letter dated 22 August 2002 written on behalf of the Universal House of
Justice to an individual believer)
November 1845: Article appears in London Times concerning the very initial persecution of the Bábis in Shiraz
The London Times of Wednesday, November 19th 1845, carried
this item of news on its third page, taken from the Literary Gazette of the
preceding Saturday:
MAHOMETAN SCHISM. -- A new sect has lately set itself up in
Persia, at the head of which is a merchant who had returned from a pilgrimage
to Mecca, and proclaimed himself a successor of the Prophet. The way they treat
such matters at Shiraz appears in the following account (June 23): -- Four
persons being heard repeating their profession of faith according to the form
prescribed by the impostor, were apprehended, tried, and found guilty of
unpardonable blasphemy. They were sentenced to lose their beards by fire being
set to them. The sentence was put into execution with all the zeal and
fanaticism becoming a true believer in Mahomet. Not deeming the loss of beards
a sufficient punishment, they were further sentenced the next day, to have
their faces blacked and exposed through the city. Each of them was led by a
mirgazah[Mir-Ghadab] (executioner), who had made a hole in his nose and passed
through it a string, which he sometimes pulled with such violence that the
unfortunate fellows cried out alternately for mercy from the executioner and
for vengeance from Heaven. It is the custom in Persia on such occasions for the
executioners to collect money from the spectators, and particularly from the
shopkeepers in the bazaar. In the evening when the pockets of the executioners
were well filled with money, they led the unfortunate fellows to the city gate,
and there turned them adrift….
(H.M. Balyuzi, ‘The Báb - The Herald of the Day
of Days’)
1992: The Second World Congress is held in New York city
The Second World Congress, called for by the Universal House
of Justice, took place in November 1992, during the Holy Year, commemorating
the centenary of the Ascension of Baha'u'llah. It was held in the Jacob Javits
Convention Center, New York City -- the "City of the Covenant' -- and commemorated
the centenary of the Covenant of 'Abdu'l-Baha. Nearly 30,000 Baha'is made it
the largest ever Baha'i gathering, and the total number of Baha'is
participating was increased enormously by satellite conferences, held
simultaneously in Apia, Western Samoa; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Sydney,
Australia; New Delhi, India; Nairobi, Kenya; Panama City, Panama; Bucharest,
Romania; Moscow, Russia; and Singapore.
The First World Congress was called to commemorate the
centenary of the Declaration of Baha'u'llah (Ridvan 1963), the conclusion of
the Ten Year Crusade, and the election of the Universal House of Justice.
Shoghi Effendi had hoped that it would be possible to have it in Baghdad, but
the situation in 'Iraq was such that the Hands of the Cause of God changed the
venue to London and were able to hire the Albert Hall, which was filled to
capacity by more than 7,000 Baha'is.
World Congress is a large gathering of Baha’is from all
parts of the world called to commemorate special events.
(Adapted from ‘Historical
Dictionary of the Baha’i Faith’ by Hugh Adamson, and from ‘A Basic Baha’i
Dictionary’, by Wendi Momen)
The Mashriqu'l-Adhkar in 'Ishqabad, extensively damaged by violent earthquakes in 1948, was demolished in 1963 by the Russian authorities for safety reasons
A message from the Universal House of Justice:
August 25, 1963
To the National Spiritual Assemblies of the Bahá'í World
Dear Bahá'í friends,
The whole Bahá'í World will be grief-stricken at the news of
the sad fate which has overtaken the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar in 'Ishqabad, the first
Temple raised to the glory of Bahá'u'lláh. [The temple was located in
Turkmenistan, near the Iranian border, north of the Iranian province of
Khurasan ] Due to its unsafe condition, resulting from earthquakes, the
building has been entirely demolished and the site cleared.
The building of this edifice, the only structure of its kind
to be raised and completed in the lifetime of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, was described by
the beloved Guardian as "a lasting witness to the fervour and the self-sacrifice
of the Oriental believers." This "enterprise," the Guardian
further wrote, "must rank not only as the first major undertaking launched
through the concerted efforts of His followers in the Heroic Age of His Faith,
but as one of the most brilliant and enduring achievements in the history of
the first Bahá'í century."
The Bahá'í centre in 'Ishqabad was founded in the days of
Bahá'u'lláh. Already during His lifetime preliminary steps had been adopted by
the friends of that community to build, in accordance with the provisions of
the Most Holy Book, a Mashriqu'l- Adhkar.
Bahá'u'lláh's intelligence and perception as a child surpassed mature men
When Bahá'u'lláh was seven years old, one day His mother was
watching the elegance of His bearing as He paced to and fro, and remarked 'He
is somewhat short of stature.' but His father answered: 'It is of no
importance. Are you not aware of His capacity and His abilities? Such
intelligence! And such perception! He is as a flame of fire. Even at this young
age He surpasses mature men.'
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha
(Quoted by Ishraq-Khavari in Risaliy-i-Ayyam-i-Tis’ih; in ‘Stories of
Baha’u’llah’, compiled by Ali-Akbar Furutan)
Shoghi Effendi’s immense faith and complete reliance on the efficacy of Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation
Of all the characteristics that Shoghi Effendi possessed,
the one that I believe was at the very core of his personality and was deeply
rooted in his soul was the immense faith he had, his complete reliance on the
efficacy of Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation. He clung to His Teachings with a tenacity
that cannot be likened to anything. His whole being was permeated with the
power of the Revelation, and this is the reason that all who came near him or
in contact with him felt so safe, so assured, so regenerated.
- Hand of the Cause Ugo Giachery (‘Shoghi Effendi –
January 1898 -- The first Baha'is in Kenosha, Wisconsin
The first eighteen Baha'is in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Kheirall
completed his first series of lessons on 1 January 1898 and brought into being
the third Baha'i group in North America Byron Lane, the first Baha'i in
Kenosha, is seated in the center of the second row
(The Baha'i Faith in
November 1907: Representatives from various parts of America meet in Chicago to initiate the “stupendous undertaking” of erecting a House of Worship
… inspired by the example set by their fellow-disciples in
Ishqabad, who had already commenced the construction of the first Mashriqu'l-Adhkar
of the Bahá'í world, and afire with the desire to demonstrate, in a tangible
and befitting manner, the quality of their faith and devotion, the Bahá'ís of
Chicago, having petitioned 'Abdu'l-Bahá for permission to erect a House of
Worship, and secured, in a Tablet
revealed in June 1903, His ready and enthusiastic approval, arose, despite the
smallness of their numbers and their limited resources, to initiate an
enterprise which must rank as the greatest single contribution which the
Bahá'ís of America, and indeed of the West, have as yet made to the Cause of
Bahá'u'lláh. The subsequent encouragement given them by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, and the
contributions raised by various Assemblies decided the members of this Assembly
to invite representatives of their fellow-believers in various parts of the
country to meet in Chicago for the initiation of the stupendous undertaking
they had conceived. On November 26, 1907, the assembled representatives,
convened for that purpose, appointed a committee of nine to locate a suitable
site for the proposed Temple.
- Shoghi Effendi (‘God Passes By’)
November 1898: ‘Abdu’l-Baha ends the period of mourning for Baha’u’llah by opening His tomb to pilgrims for the first time
This event which
took place on 13 November 1898 was in commemoration of the arrival of Ibrahim
Kheiralla(Khayru’llah) to Akka on 11 November 1898 – “the same year that this
precious Trust [the precious remains of the Báb] reached the shores of the Holy
Land and was delivered into the hands of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. He, accompanied by Dr.
Ibrahim Khayru'llah, whom He had already honored with the titles of
"Baha's Peter," "The Second Columbus" and "Conqueror
of America," drove to the recently purchased site which had been blessed
and selected by Bahá'u'lláh on Mt. Carmel, and there laid, with His own hands,
the foundation-stone of the edifice, the construction of which He, a few months
later, was to commence. About that same time, the marble sarcophagus, designed
to receive the body of the Báb, an offering of love from the Bahá'ís of
Rangoon, had, at 'Abdu'l-Bahá's suggestion, been completed and shipped to
Haifa.” (Shoghi Effendi, ‘God Passes By’)
Ridvan 1961: Newly Elected International Baha'i Council Holds First Meeting
Hands of the Cause
in the Holy Land meeting with the International Baha'i Council. From left: A.
Furutan, Charles Wolcott, William Sears, Leroy Ioas, Sylvia loas, lan Semple, John Ferraby, PauI
E. Haney, Lotfullah Hakim, A. Q. Faizi, Ruhiyyih Khanum, Jessie Revell, 'Ali
Nakhjavani, Ethel Revell, Mildred Mottahedeh, H. Borrah Kavelin, Jalal Khazeh.
An institution
created by Shoghi Effendi in 1951 as the forerunner of the Universal House of
Justice. It was invested with three functions: to forge links with the
authorities in the State of Israel, to assist Shoghi Effendi in the erection of
the superstructure of the Shrine of the Bab, and to conduct negotiations
related to matters of personal status with the civil authorities. To these were
added further functions as the Council developed. The members of the first
Council were appointed by Shoghi Effendi: its President was Charles Mason Remey
and its Vice-President Amelia Collins. The Council was enlarged to eight
members in 1952 and to nine in 1955. Following the passing of Shoghi Effendi
the Council continued to perform its duties at the World Centre under the
direction of the Hands of the Cause residing in the Holy Land. At Ridvan 1961
the Council was elected for the first time. Its nine members were elected by
the members of all the national and regional spiritual assemblies in the
Baha'iworld by postal ballot. The Hands of the Cause ruled that they themselves
were not eligible for election to this body. The following people were elected:
Jessie Revell, 'Ali Nakhjavani, Lutfu'llah Hakim, Ethel Revell, Charles
Wolcott, Sylvia Ioas, Mildred Mottahedeh, Ian Semple and H. Borrah Kavelin.
These members served until the election of the Universal House of Justice in
('Baha’i Dictionary' by Wendi Momen)
Baha’u’llah requested a ten-minute meeting with the Ottoman Sultan
“ … in the
Lawh-i-Ra'ís, Bahá'u'lláh, recalling His conversation with the Turkish officer
charged with the task of enforcing His banishment to the fortress-town of
'Akká, has written: "There is a matter, which, if thou findest it
possible, I request thee to submit to His Majesty the Sultan, that for ten
minutes this Youth be enabled to meet him, so that he may demand whatsoever he
deemeth as a sufficient testimony and regardeth as proof of the veracity of Him
Who is the Truth. Should God enable Him to produce it, let him, then, release
these wronged ones, and leave them to themselves." "He
promised," Bahá'u'lláh adds in that Tablet, "to transmit this
message, and to give Us his reply. We received, however, no news from him. Although
it becometh not Him Who is the Truth to present Himself before any person,
inasmuch as all have been created to obey Him, yet in view of the condition of
these little children and the large number of women so far removed from their
friends and countries, We have acquiesced in this matter. In spite of this
nothing hath resulted. Umar himself is alive and accessible. Inquire from him,
that the truth may be made known unto you."
- Shoghi Effendi ('The Promised
Day is Come')
The Most Great Prison as seen in 1907
The Most Great
Prison in Akka, Israel.
This photo was taken by the late Hand of the Cause, Roy
C. Wilhelm in 1907
(Baha'i News, January 1965)
Some Tablets revealed by Baha’u’llah during the Baghdad Period (January 1852 – April 1863)
- Az-Bágh-i-Iláhí (From the Garden of Holiness)
- Báz-Áv-u-Bidih-Jámí (Return and grant a chalice)
- Chihár-Vádí (The Four Valleys)
- Ghulámu’l-Khuld (The Youth of Paradise)
- Haft-Vádí (The Seven Valleys)
- Hálih-Hálih-Yá Bishárat (Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad-Tidings)
- Húr-i-'Ujáb (The Wondrous Maiden)
1960: Auxiliary Board Members in North America
Hand of the Cause William Sears with the North American
members of the Auxiliary Board of the Hands of the Cause, at their meeting in
Wilmette, Ill., on January 9 and 10, 1960. Front row: Velma Sherrill, Katherine
McLaughlin, William Sears, Rowland Estall, and Curtis Kelsey. Back row: Hushang
Javid, Mildred Muttahedeh, Amoz Gibson, Margery McCormick, William deForge,
Sarah Pereira, Peggy Ross, and Florence Mayberry
(Baha'i News, April 1960)
First NSA on European Continent was Elected on April 26, 1958
First National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of France,
elected on April 26, 1958
(Baha'i News July 1958)
House of ‘Abdu’llah Pasha
House of 'Abdu'llah Pasha, main hall, south wing (April 1984)
Some of the most poignant, dramatic and historically
significant events of the Heroic Age of our Faith are associated with this
house, which derives its name from the Governor of 'Akká who built it and used
it as his official residence during his term of Office, from 1820 to 1832. It
stands just inside the north-western corner of the sea wall of 'Akká in the
close neighbourhood of the citadel where Bahá'u'lláh was confined. The main
building is L-shaped, facing south and cast on its outer prospects. The
structure, though chiefly on two stories, is irregular and on the inside angle
has balconies, uncovered stairways, a bathhouse and a well. The entire property
comprises large courtyards and is bounded on the west, or seaward, side by a
wall, which turns due east at its southern angle and continues towards the
heart of 'Akká, forming after a few yards, the wall of a narrow street; at the
eastern terminus of this wall, and within the property, is an imposing house
which was occupied by that Governor of 'Akká whose incumbency coincided with
'Abdu'l-Bahá's residence in the main building, and whose northern windows
permitted him to maintain a constant surveillance of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's activities.
Beyond this house is a small mosque. The eastern boundary of the property is a
row of houses giving directly, on its western aspect, to the courtyard and offering
many additional vantage points for observing the Master. A similar row of
houses extends from the north-eastern corner along the northern boundary until
they terminate at the longitudinal wing of the main building which, at this
point, projects northwards into several conjoined buildings, making a large
irregular outcrop on the northern boundary. The western end of the northern
boundary is a short stretch of wall completing the enclosure at the
north-western corner of the west wall. Large stables, coach houses and
storerooms line the southern boundary.
Hand of the Cause Dr. Varqa shortly before his passing in 2007
Hand of the Cause Dr. Varqa (sitting at the center) with
members of the Universal House of Justice, 2007
Socrates and Hippocrates: both had journeyed to Palestine and Syria – ‘Abdu’l-Baha explains
O thou handmaid of God! It is recorded in eastern histories
that Socrates journeyed to Palestine and Syria and there, from men learned in
the things of God, acquired certain spiritual truths; that when he returned to
Greece, he promulgated two beliefs: one, the unity of God, and the other, the
immortality of the soul after its separation from the body; that these
concepts, so foreign to their thought, raised a great commotion among the
Greeks, until in the end they gave him poison and killed him.
And this is authentic; for the Greeks believed in many gods,
and Socrates established the fact that God is one, which obviously was in
conflict with Greek beliefs.
The Founder of monotheism was Abraham; it is to Him that
this concept can be traced, and the belief was current among the Children of
Israel, even in the days of Socrates.
Estimated extent of Baha’u’llah’s Writings
Although the documents identified as Baha'u'llah's primary
works have been the focus of translation work so far, they represent only a
small portion of His writings during His 40-year ministry. All totaled, He
revealed thousands of tablets, which altogether would constitute a volume more
than 70 times the size of the Qur'an and more than 15 times the size of the Old
and New Testaments of the Bible.
(Baha’i World News Service, 22 September 2002)
The Báb was “heart-broken” when received the news of the tragic fate which had befallen the heroes of Tabarsi
"The Báb was heart-broken," His amanuensis, Siyyid
Husayn-i-'Aziz, subsequently related, "at the receipt of this unexpected
intelligence. He was crushed with grief, a grief that stilled His voice and
silenced His pen. For nine days He refused to meet any of His friends. I myself,
though His close and constant attendant, was refused admittance. Whatever meat
or drink we offered Him, He was disinclined to touch. Tears rained continually
from His eyes, and expressions of anguish dropped unceasingly from His lips. I
could hear Him, from behind the curtain, give vent to His feelings of sadness
as He communed, in the privacy of His cell, with His Beloved. I attempted to
jot down the effusions of His sorrow as they poured forth from His wounded
heart. Suspecting that I was attempting to preserve the lamentations He
uttered, He bade me destroy whatever I had recorded. Nothing remains of the
moans and cries with which that heavy-laden heart sought to relieve itself of
the pangs that had seized it. For a period of five months He languished,
immersed in an ocean of despondency and sorrow."
- Nabil (‘The
Dawn-Breakers’, translated and edited by Shoghi Effendi)
November 1916: Sarah Farmer passes away
Named by Shoghi Effendi as a Disciple of 'Abdu'l-Baha, she
will also be known to posterity as the originator of the concept of the first
universal platform in America, which, during its first 33 years, developed into
the Green Acre school and conference center (comprising some 200 acres along
the banks of the Piscataqua River in Eliot, Maine, four miles up from the sea
and opposite the city of Portsmouth, New Hampshire). One writer said of her in
1928, "She stands as the actual fulfiller of Emerson in terms of applied
influence" and "The roll of speakers who have taken part in the Green
Acre Conferences represent well-nigh the flower of modem liberal thought."
It was typical of her vision that when opening the center on 4 July 1894 she
raised, at the end of the ceremony, a flag of world peace. Two years after the
opening, she found and embraced the Faith. She went immediately to see
'Abdu'l-Baha in 'Akka to offer her services to Him. The letters He addressed to
her during subsequent years continued to guide her in her work. When He came to
America in 1912, He spent a week in August at Green Acre (although Sarah
herself was by this time confined to a sanitarium in Portsmouth, which she left
for a few hours to welcome Him). Green Acre continues to flourish and develop
as a Baha'i school, thereby fulfilling the vision of this remarkable woman and
in accordance with the guidance given by 'Abdu'l-Baha in its earliest days.
‘Abdu’l-Baha left Holy Land for Egypt, August 29, 1910
[A portion of a letter from Sydney Sprague to Isabella
Mount Carmel, August 29, 1910.
Dear Sister in the Holy Cause: I have a very big piece of
news to tell you. ‘Abdu’l-Baha has left this Holy Spot for the first time in
forty-two years, and has gone to Egypt. Think of the vast significance and
importance of this step! By it many prophecies of the sacred Scriptures are
fulfilled. The Light and Life of Acca has departed and we feel as though we
were now left in obscurity while Egypt is illumined, and that ancient country
which has seen the prophets Joseph and Moses and even the infant Christ is now
to see the Consummation of all the prophets. Will it appreciate and realize
this Bounty? Everyone was astounded to hear of ‘Abdu’l-Baha's departure, for no
one knew until the very last minute that he had any idea of leaving. The
afternoon of the day he left, he came to Mirza Assad’u’llah's home to see us and
sat with us awhile beside a new well that has just been finished and said that
he had come to taste the water. We did not realize that it was a good-bye
visit. Then he took a carriage and went up the hill to the Holy Tomb (of the
Bab). That night, as usual, the believers gathered before the house of
‘Abdu’l-Baha to receive that blessing, which every day is ours, of being in his
presence, but we waited in vain, for one of the sons in-law came and told us
that ‘Abdu’l-Baha had taken the Khedivial steamer for Port Said. We could
hardly believe it was true, so great was this news. Think how happy we must be
that after forty two years in this cage, the Divine Bird has spread His wings
and in perfect freedom flown away.
(Star of the West, Vol. 1, October 16, 1910)
1919 Holy Land -- 'Abdu'l-Baha with some resident and visiting believers including His three grandsons
'Abdu'l-Baha with some resident believers and pilgrims,
1919. Seen in the picture are three of 'Abdu'l-Baha's grandsons: Shoghi Effendi
(sitting row, second from right), Ruhi Effendi (sitting row, second from left),
and Soheil Effendi (standing, second from right).
Local Spiritual Assemblies worldwide, as of 1928
Australia: Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney
Brazil: Bahia
China: Shanghai
Egypt: Port Said
England: London, Manchester, Dorset
France: Paris
India and Burma: Burma, Mandalay, Rangoon; India: Bombay,
Calcutta, Camp Karachi, Poona
Japan: Robe
Korea: Seoul
Palestine: Haifa
Persia: Hamadan, Kirman, Kashan, Mashhad, Sultan-Abad
Russia: Moscow
South Africa: Pretoria
Switzerland: Assembly of Lausanne
Syria: Alexandretta, Beirut
Tasmania: Hobart
Turkey: Constantinople
Canada: Montreal, Vancouver
United States:
There were 1,280 Baha'is and 24 Assemblies in USA in 1906
According to the Government Census Bureau statistics
gathered in 1906, dealing with the religious life of the United States, and now
in press at Washington, D.C., Baha'is have twenty-four assemblies, aggregating
a membership of 1,280.
(Star of the West, vol. 1, No. 9, August 20, 1910)
The Research Department of the Universal House of Justice – their function and statements
Among the functions assigned to the Research Department at
the World Centre is that of preparing statements at the request of the House of
Justice. We are to point out that the statement appearing in the current Bahá'i
World Centre Manual in connection with the duties of this Department includes
the following:
"...To prepare commentaries on various subjects related
to the Faith, as requested by the Universal House of Justice."
These commentaries are sent to believers, where applicable,
as separate statements, such as those on the Fourth Epoch of the Formative Age,
or on Bahá'i scholarship, or as memoranda which are enclosures to letters
written on behalf of the House of Justice....
To preclude any possibility of their being confused with
letters written by the House of Justice, or on its behalf, it is important that
such commentaries be distinctly identified. It is also vital that the believers
understand clearly that these Research Department statements should be regarded
as representing no more than the views of the members of that Department. While
such views are very useful as an aid to resolving perplexities or gaining an
enhanced understanding of the Bahá'i teachings, they should never be taken to
be in the same category as the elucidations and clarifications provided by the
House of Justice in the exercise of its assigned functions....
- The Universal House of Justice (From a letter dated 16 August 1987 written on behalf of the
Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)11/6/17
Bahá'u'lláh’s father had an amazing dream about his Son
![]() |
Baha'u'llah's father |
‘Abdu’l-Baha had the Power of Ether
The next morning, Thursday, though I [Juliet Thompson] went
unusually early to the Master, He had already left the house. But Lua,
Valíyu’lláh Khán [son of the great poet Varqa], and I had a wonderful morning.
Valíyu’lláh told us so many things.
“My father,” he said, “spent much time with the Blessed
Beauty. The Blessed Beauty Himself taught him.
“One time when my father was in His room, Bahá’u’lláh rose
and strode back and forth till the very walls seemed to shake. And He told my
father that once in an age the Mighty God sent a Soul to earth endowed with the
power of the Great Ether, and that such a Soul had all power and was able to do
anything. ‘Even this walk of Mine’ said
Bahá’u’lláh, ‘has an effect in the world.’
This is Faith -- a poem by Ruhiyyih Khanum
To walk where there is no path,
To breathe where there is no air,
To see where there is no light-
This is Faith.
To cry out in the silence,
The silence of the night,
And hearing no echo believe
And believe again and again
This is Faith.
To hold pebbles and see jewels
To raise sticks and see forests
To smile with weeping eyes
This is Faith.
To Say: 'God, I believe' when others deny,
'I hear' when there is no answer,
'I see' though naught is seen-
This is Faith.
1900 - The Board of Counsel of the Baha'i Assembly of New York City
Seated, left to right: Clement Woolson, Howard Mac Nutt,
Arthur P. Dodge, Charles E. Sprague Standing, left to right: Anton F. Haddad
(honorary), Frank E. Osborne, Hooper Harris, William H. Hoar, Andrew
Hutchinson, Edwin A. Putnam
Badi - (Wonderful), Pride of Martyrs, Apostle of Baha’u’llah

Shoghi Effendi describes these events in the following
Lady Blomfield
Given the name “Sitarih Khanum” by ‘Abdu’l-Baha, Lady Sara
Louisa Blomfield was an eminent early (1907) British Baha'i who is perhaps best
remembered for her memoire detailing her meetings with 'Abdu'l-Baha (The Chosen
Highway) and her assistance in the compilation of 'Abdu'l-Baha's talks while in
Paris (Paris talks).
Born in Ireland in 1859, she married a distinguished
architect, some 30 years her senior, Sir Arthur William Blomfield. They had two
daughters, Mary Esther and Rose Ellinor Cecilia. When Sir Arthur died in 1899,
Lady Blomfield and her two daughters moved from their London house. Later she
began to develop a deep respect for Christianity as taught by Basil
Wilberforce, then archdeacon of Westminster, and would take her daughters every
Sunday to St. John's, Westminster, to hear him preach. Some eight years after
the death of Sir Arthur, Lady Blomfield and her daughter Mary were in Paris,
where they attended a reception at the home of Madam Lucien Monod. It was here
that she met Miss Bertha Herbert, who introduced her to the Baha'i Message,
saying, "If I look happy it is because I am happy. I have found the desire
of my heart." Asked to say more, Miss Herbert said, "It is true!
True! We have been taught to believe that a great Messenger would again be sent
to the world. He would set forth to gather together all the peoples of good
will in every race, nation, and religion on the earth. Now is the appointed
time! He has come! He has come!" Miss Herbert explained that there was a
woman in Paris who had recently visited 'Abdu'l-Baha and said that a meeting
could be arranged for her to hear more. The woman was Miss Ethel Jenner
Rosenberg, who had, in the summer of 1899, become the second Baha'i to enroll
in the British Isles. The Blomfields met with Miss Rosenberg and the first
French Baha'i, the scholar Hippolyte Dreyfus. During this meeting Lady
Blomfield embraced the Baha'i Message. On returning to London the Blomfields
contacted Ethel Rosenberg and Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper and dedicated themselves
to spreading the Faith in England. They were then living at 97 Cadogan Gardens,
London, and in early August 1911 when 'Abdu'l-Baha visited Great Britain, she
invited Him to stay at her house. 'Abdu'l-Baha left London for Paris on 3
October 1911, and Lady Blomfield, her daughters, and a friend, Miss Beatrice
Marion Platt, followed Him, took notes of His talks, and published them under
the title “Paris Talks”.
First issue of US Baha’i News
In December 1924 a publication came into being which was
originally conceived by Horace Holley as a means of communications between the
National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States and Canada and its
local communities. The first issue of the “Baha’i News” appeared on December
24, 1924 as the “Baha’i News Letter”. It was published in New York with Horace
Holley as the editor.
(Adapted from the Baha’i World, vol. 10 and ‘Some Baha’is
to Remember’, by Whitehead’)
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